Saturday, May 21, 2011

"Love": between a man and a woman; my thoughts..

I have heard it all from;she uses me for my money to he just wants to be with me for sex. What happened to "love"? Have we lost sight of what "love" is? I do believe that, in this day and age, it does take more than love in a relationship. However, what happens when times get rough? What happen to helping out eachother, instead of using one another. To me, its' like buying people out of the store. It's crazy, lol. The whole point of the matter is how can we get back to "loving eachother" and taking our problems to "God". I'll take it back as far as our childhood days and the structure of the household.Which we do not have today. I think that society has placed a tremendous,huge, pressure on "growing up too fast". It all starts with the upbringing at home. Many young adults, and even teens have defined the relationship by "money" and "sex". I am not sayingthat they are not important, but what about morals, self worth, and marriage? I am not talking about that overnite get hitched type of  celebrity wedding, lol. I'm talking about that wedding taking place as a result of up's and down's, real love, stay by your side when your sick on your bed side, "type of love". It's all about communication , number one. Number two, the trust has to be there. And last but not least, the love for one another. It takes two, on many levels in a relationship. When you uplift one another, and split up the bills and do it together, it's alot easier. Anything is possible,once you keep the Lord first. I do believe that it should be a 50/50 thing. There should be enough to share and always plenty to give to eachother. Whether it's emotionally, spiritually, mentally , or even physically. It may sound clich'e,but a "family that prays together, stays together". When you give God control of what is beyond your control, he makes it all work out for the good and according to his will. God has to be "in the mix", of it all. We need to get back to "loving eachother", holding one another, doing the two step, no grinding, but something "sweet and sincere", "genuine and true". I know we have aour issues, but it's all about compromise, take the good with the bad. For all of the rest of the problems in the family, take it with a grain of salt. let "God" be your marrige counselor. Nothing worth having, takes place over night. It takes time,patience, and yes, patience is a virtue. When you want something with quality, and worth tremendous value, it takes work. It just doesn't come to you.Think about it. What ever you want from your partner, should be of equal value. You both need to be on the same page,so there is no confusion.Every trial and tribulation is a test, to see what you can stand as "one" together. Some can handle the hardships, and some couples can't. It is also good to know eachother before taking that big step. Marriage isn't for everyone. This is just my thoughts, I am not a counselor or expert on couple situation issues, just wanted to say that before I said anything else.  How about this, what happened to holding hands instead of making out in the elevator or in the park,lol. Unless you want to keep it spicy, ok, I don't judge. I have done that before,lol, it's nothing wrong with both, I won't lie, I tell you the truth. If you think I'm absurd, I understand, or maybe even disgusting, hey, that's ok. I just want to keep it real with you. "I have come along way from where I used to be". I'm ready to have "one partner". I'm done with the promiscuity in my life. It's "old" to me. I am, "ready to be loved", and share my love and everything I have to offer with that next partner, if "God" wants that for me. If not, "it's good to be single". It just means that I have more time to spend with the Lord, and devote my time to serving him, and that's fine too. To make a long story short, all I want to stress is, get to know the Lord for yourself, and watch how; "everything falls into play". The road won't be easy, but he "wouldn't bring you this far to leave you".On that note, I hope you all are inspired by this blog and remember, God is not done with you yet, keep on moving and just keep living. Godbless you all. One love. One body. One Accord. In the matchless name of Jesus, AMEN.

" A new day"

It's a "new day". I woke up today, and thought, who will I inspire? What was my dream trying to tell me? Am I making a difference? All of these questions, and many more come to my mind. I think about all I have done, and what are my new goals, aspirations/dreams. I apparently have got to the point where I refuse to "stop writing". I have to "pour out my heart", until someone gets the message. If I was writing, my pen would "bleed". I look at life as a "growing tree". This day was made and created by God, and we are all here for a purpose, "each day". I think my mission is to uplift you. There were times when I felt "defeated", "felt less than nothing", "ridiculed", "made fun of", and also "heartbroken". I am a walking, living breathing being that has experienced just about all of the emotions as you have felt. I am writing to tell you, you are not alone. Through allof the rolercoater rides that you will experience, are step by step building blocks. We all need "balance". If life was easy, how would we know what it was to appreciate what we have , life would be boring. Without challenges, we would not strive for anything. Each day I wake and you wake, is a new day for "new beginnings" for each chapter we are living in our lives. It doesn't always "feel good",or "look good" every day, but I will always keep in mind that it will all help in creating me to be "stronger" and "wiser". As I face each day, the new days ahead will -"get better". It just takes time. Time heals all wounds and it also shows our "growth" and "vitality" in every situation. I think we should all keep in mind that, if we have breath in our body, we are able to do the "impossible",by taking it "one day at a time". So, take life as it comes, rush nothing, because fools "rush in". Take your time to prepare for what you want by making a few plans to choose from and execute each of them one by one. If Plan A doesn't work,, try Plan B, and so forth. I hope you all remain focused, keep going no matter what, and know that, "God has got your back", as long as you put the Lord "first" in all you do. Godbless you all and stay encouraged*:)

"The Rubies of our Earth"

Good day to you, my fellow blogger's and blogette's. Today, I have truly acknowledged what it means to many of our families to have a "grandmother". I really enjoyed attending and I am thankful that I was also able to witness it , because I was invited by my close friend Imani.Over the years, and throughout my life I always have had the chance to have many figures that taught me alot.They were not always family, but other grandmothers and mothers of my friends families and people I would meet on an ordinary day!I am truly blessed, beyond words, because not only do I have a grandmother, I had two grandmothers. Unfortunately, one passed away. Her name is Sonia Tavarez. She was a strong woman, from the Domonican Repbublic. I have always admired her and loved her cooking.She taught me how to be independent, how to speak a few phrases and words in spanish,and in the mist of all that- she "loved me to death", and always protected me. At times, I wonder if she is proud of me. I never got to say goodbye.I think that the hardest part for me, was knowing she wasn't coming back, is not being able to say "I love you", one last time. I wonder if she knows how much I "miss her" and how she is missed by family and friends.Some of us are not fortunate to see our grandparents, but I discovered that no matter where you are or who you are or where you come from-blood is not the only way we are connected to people. We are loved and taken in to be loved by people who are not realted to us, but love us because we share a bond that goes beyond blood, but it's a thing called "unconditional love". I think that once you have a person who loves you, even if they are not your grandparents, but can be your grandparents, treasure them .I say this because, you neve know when the day or the hour they will be gone. When your grandmother of grandfather or caregiver dies, they can't smell the flowers you buy for them when they pass away. So, treasure them, talk to them and always remind them that they are needed and that you love them. The grandmothers are "rubies" in every family. Why? It is because they withhold the "wisdom" and keep the family together like "glue". I have heard, from that evening ceremony by the speaker that Grandmother's were the back up plan, and God knew what he was doing , he made no mistakes.They have all the great stories to tell and make the best food in the world. They always love you and have the answers to the questions you just dont feel comfortable asking any one else. I believe that is the "truth" and I hope you are all able to treasure your grandmothers, before it's to late. Godbless you all, and continue to love, because love conquers all.*:)

Sunday, April 3, 2011

"In my mind"

I am living to survive, fighting for my life, and always feel like why am I here? I have dreams and think what do they mean. My only escape from every day life. My only escape is "dreamland". It's sad when you conform yourself to something and believe that there is nothing else to make you "happy". Having any relationship is tough. I know that getting close to the Lord is very hard. I forget at times to pray and think , I feel bad for that and realize If I love him, I should do it naturally. I have two vices; "food and the internet". There has got to be more to life than this. I feel as if I am living in a box and I just can't get out of it. It's sad but true.Have you ever felt that feeling of "numbness to pain"? I am at that point , where I don't even cater to emotions, because I feel it is a form of "weakness". I continue to tell myself, if you fall victim to any one of these men out here, you are asking to get hurt or just completely drained of trying to make something work that won't. I believe that I won't feel pain anymore because I am so used to it. That is sad. It is only my feelings, but don't let what I feel cloud your judgement. I am just leting go of what is on my mind. I just want to know what it's like to have that "unconditional love". The only way to feel that is through the Lord. Here on earth, I long for that, but I shut it out because I find it hard to trust now at days. I guess it's no point in trying to figure it out, but to just let go of it and enjoy the single life. Until then, I will dream of what it could be, but focus on the the true love I have, and that's in Jesus. I don't know anyone else that would die for me. The Lord gave his life for me, and that's true love. In spite of my confusion in this blog, May you all be blessed and find joy in your every waking moment of the day that the Father creates, in Jesus name, Amen.*

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

"Texting -VS-Talking on the phone"

Hello fellow blogger's and blogettes. I thought to myself, why is that we tune out talking? I know that there are only 24 hours in a day. I can understand "busy schedules" and "communicating" when you are on the go. However, I think that we are loosing the essence of "hearing the voice". I don't mind texting when it is necessary, but I do enjoy hearing the voice behind the name of whomever I am talking to. I believe that some things should be "said" and "not text" to one another. For example, If I speak to my significant other, I would rather hear "I love you" then having it text to me every day. I understand if it's once in a while because life gets "busy". To hear it, feels so much more "vibrant" and "assuring". It shows you that the person took time out of their day to show you that they do care about you and not just write you off as; ok, it's done, I checked it off of my day, "all done". As a "texter", I do it too, but I believe that it should not be done all the time. To me, now at days, it is unfortunate because we text our emotions away,no more"voice to voice" contact. Technology is "growing" and "evolving" at a rapid rate,to the point where everything becomes"digital". The essence of that "one on one" contact is becoming less frequent. If you notice, in China they make live robots for people who want satisfaction in an intimate way. Bizzare, aint it? That's what I was thinking. When it comes to certain things, I think technology "should not" be applied to every grand moment of your life. I don't understand how some people can saty on the internet for hours and spend no time doing much of anything else, because everything is "on-line". There was a time when you can "write a letter" or send a card to someone and have something to look forward to instead of sending an email. I miss those days where you could expect a letter in the email from someone close to you or a long time friend you haven't seen in a while. I want to live and make life more efficient, but not to the point where I let everything in my life be about"the digital scene". I enjoy laughing, talking on the phone, going out to eat with family and friends, and cooking to prepare for that family gathering. That is something that computers "can't do" or a phone can "never replace". Computers can't take the place of people, they can only do what they are programmed to do. When I am sad and I need a hug, I can't go online and get a hug. I need a person who "sleeps", "breathes", and "cry" like I do. That's why it is so important to make time for those kinds of moments. In this day and age, so many people seem to be "passing away"so quickly. We need to take advantage of our time we have "together". You never know when someone you love will pass away ,God for bid, so, please do me a favor fellow blogger's and blogette's. Don't wait until someone you love passes away to say "I love you", or say; "I wish I could have spent more time with them", because by that time, it's- "too late" and they won't  be able to "hear"- you. Please enjoy life and spend each moment you get here on earth when the opportunity arises and you have time, spend it with your loved ones. It doesn't matter if they are friends or your family. Try to treasure each moment and don't let it pass you by. Thank you all fellow blogger's for taking time out of your busy day to read my blog. I hope you were inspired to take time once in a while to enjoy life with your loved one's.* Live, laugh, love and give a little more each day, and the outcome will be a more happier life. Godbless you all.*:)

                                                                                                                  Sincerely yours,
                                                                                                           Ms. Inspirational Woman

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

"Remarkable Women"

 Hello to you and I hope your doing well, fellow bloggers and blogettes*. Today I would like to talk about "remarkable women" in my life. I was inspired to write this because of a recent conversation with a friend of mine. The first woman I would like to talk about is my mother; Shaundr'e Sherrod.She has been not only a "provider", but a "nurturer", "a great friend",a "teacher"and most of all a mother that always took care of her children, no matter what the circumstance. I say this because I believe a real mother is one who "sacrifices". For example; my mom had made the decision not to pay rent just to make sure we had gifts for Christmas. She always gave us money for our pockets through the years and provided shelter.She put "us" before "herself". That is why I think of my mother as  a "remarkable woman". As for the second woman in line, I look up to her because she has changed and continues to get better with time, just like wine and that's my grandmother. She is "vivacious", "stunning" and a "loudmouth", but she is beautiful inside and out.She speaks her mind and will not take any body's mess. No one is perfect, but I am a firm believer in learning as you grow. I tip my hat to her because she "stands up for what she believes in" and "fights for her family".This next woman that has inspired me to write this blog. Her name is ; Adria Aaron. She is not only a "smart" and "beautiful woman", but she knows a lot about "self worth". She is a young mother who has a "gorgeous" looking daughter named Alana that reminds me of a beautiful baby doll. As African American young females, it is important to help "inspire", "educate", "uplift', and "encourage" one another during difficult "hardships" and "trials" that we face in our lives. We all are women that go through similar situations,with our "own minds" and "opinions". We may all walk in a "different pair of shoes", but we are headed on to the "same journey". We want to be "successful", "live lavish" and "offer the best" to our families. I commend her because she is raising her daughter on her own and took matters into her own hands because the father has changed for the worst and she is a full time mother who also works a regular job and that's not easy. When it comes to hurdling the bars in this race called life, this young mother has won the gold medal. The woman I am speaking of is; Sabrina Thompson.She is a "champion". I say this, because her child has been born premature.Her daughter Aniya was in and out of the hospital, over  a period of two years. Sabrina has went through going from place to place, coming from another state trying to survive with no family here in New York and even had to live in shelters with a sick child. She has survived it all with no intent of turning back, by enrolling back into college and looking forward to her new life and new apartment with her "strong" and "beautiful" daughter Aniya. What makes this next woman remarkable? I could say it's her natural color green eyes or her "impeccable style"  and "booming personality", but-" that's not all it is". Her name is; Imani Wilkey. Imani is remarkable because she is not only beautiful on the outside, but from the inside, it shows. In college, she was a "Cheerleader", and a "dance group coordinator".She has managed to graduate with a degree in Bachelor's degree in Mass Communications just before having her lovely daughter Zhane who is incredibly smart. It is interesting how people can meet one another. I say this because this next lady is not only "smart"- but also"fierce" and "sexy". If I can describe her with one word, it would be"Outstanding". I would have never meant Imani, if it wasn't for my cousin; Antalaya Israel. She is remarkable because she has grown from a  "rough tomboy" into a "beautiful" and "classy young woman" who can make you "laugh" and "make the boys cry". She is a tough young woman, no doubt about it. Most men are intimidated by that and she has worked since the age of fourteen and depends on no one to get what she wants out of life. Her personality is witty, funny and definitely outgoing,and never has no problem speaking her mind to anybody, sounds familiar? I know,(laughing out loud) it runs in the family, what can I say? All jokes aside though, she is a college graduate who graduated with honors and I lover her. That is why she is remarkable to me. When I think of this next woman, I hear the song in my head by Ne-yo called "Miss Independent". She pays her own rent and takes care of herself with no help from anyone. Her name is :Tiffani John. She is remarkable and not to mention one of my best friends. Why, you may ask? Well, for starters she is the sweetest person you could ever meet.She is "genuine", "loyal" and "compassionate". I can't forget to tell you she is "beautiful", of course.She has always been a "lover", not a "fighter", but will defend her loved ones. She is no where near a punk, wont get that twisted. How she does it all, is quite interesting. She balances it all with "confidence" and a "cool" attitude. She is also "caring"and very "wise" in my eyes.Last, but not least I will talk about a woman who defines the word: "Caretaker". Her name is: Tionna West. I look up to her because not only is she wonderful to be around but she has always been the one to take care of "others" before "herself". Growing up, Tionna has managed to take care of her sisters and brothers, graduate high school facing "indescribable pressure". Despite the circumstances, she has "overcome her obstacles" and continues to "excel" as a "young woman", a "great sister",and my best friend. She has a beauty about her not just "physically", but in  her "aura" and her "personality".Tionna has talent in writing, as a "hairstylist" and she "works hard" and she "never settles for less".She is above "anything petty". That is why she is remarkable to me. I want everyone to know who is reading this blog that you are "remarkable". It doesn't matter if you are a man or a woman, there is something remarkable about us all. You are "destined for greatness" and understand that "the victory will surpass the struggle". Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to read my blog. If it was to long, I apologize. I hope you enjoyed reading this blog as much as I enjoyed writing it.

P.S. I hope you were inspired.

                                                                                                                       Sincerely yours;  
                                                                                                                       Ms. Inspirational Woman*

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

"Common Sense"

Hello, fellow bloggers*. There are a few things that I just don't understand, because "common sense" should be "common". Why is it that, when you try to tell a guy that your not interested in them, they try over and over again to talk to you? Why don't people get the point that your not interested in them? It seems like the same guys try year after year,and don't give up. For the life of me, I just don't understand it. When it comes to relationships, why is it that guys believe when they "own cars" and wear "nice clothes", that it will always attract a female? As for me, and I am sure ladies that you agree as well, what happen to being a gentleman? I do not want to be with a stuck up, money fiend, broke man that spends all his money on gucci or Prada's.I want a man that has dignity, has an intelligent mind, with a motivation to excel above the rest, with a job and has a good head on his shoulders.I don't want to sound like I can't stand men that are "flashy",but I am saying that there is always a better chance with a woman if you show her you can make her laugh or listen to her goals and carry a decent conversation and no "small talk".  I know that when it comes to dating, it can be difficult. Whatever happened to personality and the small things that count?I am not saying that guys from the projects are no good. What I am saying is, even if you are from the projects, have some "class" and "respect" for yourself.I am so sick and tired of seeing young boys and grown men with their pants hanging off there butts! It is "NOT" attractive at all. It is always a "time" and "place" for everything. There is also another thing that bugs me alot. Why is it that if a woman or a young lady is not interested in a guy, and they say "no" to to giving up the digits, they want to call us names? What is the problem fellas? If the lady is not interested, why is that you can't accept rejection and move on? I hope someone can relate to what I am saying. I really do want to understand how the "mind of a man" works. I truly believe without a doubt, that women are from venus, and men are from mars. Why? because we do not think alike- "at all". I want to keep it short and sweet on this blog. I need some feedback and clarity on these issues. Please write your comments or response to this blog. I want to hear from you fellow bloggers and blogette's! Have a blessed day.*_*

                                                                                                                         Sincerely yours,
                                                                                                                   Ms. Inspirational Woman*