Tuesday, December 7, 2010

"Remarkable Women"

 Hello to you and I hope your doing well, fellow bloggers and blogettes*. Today I would like to talk about "remarkable women" in my life. I was inspired to write this because of a recent conversation with a friend of mine. The first woman I would like to talk about is my mother; Shaundr'e Sherrod.She has been not only a "provider", but a "nurturer", "a great friend",a "teacher"and most of all a mother that always took care of her children, no matter what the circumstance. I say this because I believe a real mother is one who "sacrifices". For example; my mom had made the decision not to pay rent just to make sure we had gifts for Christmas. She always gave us money for our pockets through the years and provided shelter.She put "us" before "herself". That is why I think of my mother as  a "remarkable woman". As for the second woman in line, I look up to her because she has changed and continues to get better with time, just like wine and that's my grandmother. She is "vivacious", "stunning" and a "loudmouth", but she is beautiful inside and out.She speaks her mind and will not take any body's mess. No one is perfect, but I am a firm believer in learning as you grow. I tip my hat to her because she "stands up for what she believes in" and "fights for her family".This next woman that has inspired me to write this blog. Her name is ; Adria Aaron. She is not only a "smart" and "beautiful woman", but she knows a lot about "self worth". She is a young mother who has a "gorgeous" looking daughter named Alana that reminds me of a beautiful baby doll. As African American young females, it is important to help "inspire", "educate", "uplift', and "encourage" one another during difficult "hardships" and "trials" that we face in our lives. We all are women that go through similar situations,with our "own minds" and "opinions". We may all walk in a "different pair of shoes", but we are headed on to the "same journey". We want to be "successful", "live lavish" and "offer the best" to our families. I commend her because she is raising her daughter on her own and took matters into her own hands because the father has changed for the worst and she is a full time mother who also works a regular job and that's not easy. When it comes to hurdling the bars in this race called life, this young mother has won the gold medal. The woman I am speaking of is; Sabrina Thompson.She is a "champion". I say this, because her child has been born premature.Her daughter Aniya was in and out of the hospital, over  a period of two years. Sabrina has went through going from place to place, coming from another state trying to survive with no family here in New York and even had to live in shelters with a sick child. She has survived it all with no intent of turning back, by enrolling back into college and looking forward to her new life and new apartment with her "strong" and "beautiful" daughter Aniya. What makes this next woman remarkable? I could say it's her natural color green eyes or her "impeccable style"  and "booming personality", but-" that's not all it is". Her name is; Imani Wilkey. Imani is remarkable because she is not only beautiful on the outside, but from the inside, it shows. In college, she was a "Cheerleader", and a "dance group coordinator".She has managed to graduate with a degree in Bachelor's degree in Mass Communications just before having her lovely daughter Zhane who is incredibly smart. It is interesting how people can meet one another. I say this because this next lady is not only "smart"- but also"fierce" and "sexy". If I can describe her with one word, it would be"Outstanding". I would have never meant Imani, if it wasn't for my cousin; Antalaya Israel. She is remarkable because she has grown from a  "rough tomboy" into a "beautiful" and "classy young woman" who can make you "laugh" and "make the boys cry". She is a tough young woman, no doubt about it. Most men are intimidated by that and she has worked since the age of fourteen and depends on no one to get what she wants out of life. Her personality is witty, funny and definitely outgoing,and never has no problem speaking her mind to anybody, sounds familiar? I know,(laughing out loud) it runs in the family, what can I say? All jokes aside though, she is a college graduate who graduated with honors and I lover her. That is why she is remarkable to me. When I think of this next woman, I hear the song in my head by Ne-yo called "Miss Independent". She pays her own rent and takes care of herself with no help from anyone. Her name is :Tiffani John. She is remarkable and not to mention one of my best friends. Why, you may ask? Well, for starters she is the sweetest person you could ever meet.She is "genuine", "loyal" and "compassionate". I can't forget to tell you she is "beautiful", of course.She has always been a "lover", not a "fighter", but will defend her loved ones. She is no where near a punk, wont get that twisted. How she does it all, is quite interesting. She balances it all with "confidence" and a "cool" attitude. She is also "caring"and very "wise" in my eyes.Last, but not least I will talk about a woman who defines the word: "Caretaker". Her name is: Tionna West. I look up to her because not only is she wonderful to be around but she has always been the one to take care of "others" before "herself". Growing up, Tionna has managed to take care of her sisters and brothers, graduate high school facing "indescribable pressure". Despite the circumstances, she has "overcome her obstacles" and continues to "excel" as a "young woman", a "great sister",and my best friend. She has a beauty about her not just "physically", but in  her "aura" and her "personality".Tionna has talent in writing, as a "hairstylist" and she "works hard" and she "never settles for less".She is above "anything petty". That is why she is remarkable to me. I want everyone to know who is reading this blog that you are "remarkable". It doesn't matter if you are a man or a woman, there is something remarkable about us all. You are "destined for greatness" and understand that "the victory will surpass the struggle". Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to read my blog. If it was to long, I apologize. I hope you enjoyed reading this blog as much as I enjoyed writing it.

P.S. I hope you were inspired.

                                                                                                                       Sincerely yours;  
                                                                                                                       Ms. Inspirational Woman*

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

"Common Sense"

Hello, fellow bloggers*. There are a few things that I just don't understand, because "common sense" should be "common". Why is it that, when you try to tell a guy that your not interested in them, they try over and over again to talk to you? Why don't people get the point that your not interested in them? It seems like the same guys try year after year,and don't give up. For the life of me, I just don't understand it. When it comes to relationships, why is it that guys believe when they "own cars" and wear "nice clothes", that it will always attract a female? As for me, and I am sure ladies that you agree as well, what happen to being a gentleman? I do not want to be with a stuck up, money fiend, broke man that spends all his money on gucci or Prada's.I want a man that has dignity, has an intelligent mind, with a motivation to excel above the rest, with a job and has a good head on his shoulders.I don't want to sound like I can't stand men that are "flashy",but I am saying that there is always a better chance with a woman if you show her you can make her laugh or listen to her goals and carry a decent conversation and no "small talk".  I know that when it comes to dating, it can be difficult. Whatever happened to personality and the small things that count?I am not saying that guys from the projects are no good. What I am saying is, even if you are from the projects, have some "class" and "respect" for yourself.I am so sick and tired of seeing young boys and grown men with their pants hanging off there butts! It is "NOT" attractive at all. It is always a "time" and "place" for everything. There is also another thing that bugs me alot. Why is it that if a woman or a young lady is not interested in a guy, and they say "no" to to giving up the digits, they want to call us names? What is the problem fellas? If the lady is not interested, why is that you can't accept rejection and move on? I hope someone can relate to what I am saying. I really do want to understand how the "mind of a man" works. I truly believe without a doubt, that women are from venus, and men are from mars. Why? because we do not think alike- "at all". I want to keep it short and sweet on this blog. I need some feedback and clarity on these issues. Please write your comments or response to this blog. I want to hear from you fellow bloggers and blogette's! Have a blessed day.*_*

                                                                                                                         Sincerely yours,
                                                                                                                   Ms. Inspirational Woman*

Monday, November 8, 2010


Who are you? Why does it seem like I am running out of breath and I'm loosing the race before i win? Hello, Blog followers, this is what happens inside our mind when chaos enters our "life".Confusion is one of the first forms of realizing your loosing yor mental state. You can't organize, can't think or concentrate. I look at it this way, when you have order, you can't loose your state of mind. When you plan ahead, it is good to have a layout of what you want to do. Even though it may not work out the way you planned, there is always a set and organized way of "getting things done" or "achieving your goals". I have come to realize as a  parent, and a young woman that it is sometimes hard to focus on  everything at a time. I have figured out that when things look "dim" or feel "uncomfortable", it is a test. We have choices in life and we choose everyday. Why feel afraid when you have not tried, or why feel down, if there are endless possiblities that are in front of you? For example, we fight for rights, we fight for our family, so don't give up or dont give in to the negativity. Think of it as, it is temporary. Start believing and have "faith" that no matter what, as long as you keep fighting, "you will make it". No victory is won easily, but as long as you keep on fighting when you want to give up, watch how God will work in your life. Hope is the term described as: to look forward to with desire and reasonable confidence. Without a shadow of a doubt, know that even in the recession, you will make it. Nothing is impossible, but when you feel all hope is gone, remember who you are fighting for, and remember who got your back. I know it is tough out there, ladies and gentleman, but we got to step out on "faith". "Hope" is realizing that no matter how it looks, I will press forward and expect positive results. Change the way you think and always think as there is more than one way to achieve a goal. Or, the old saying, "There is more than one way to skim a cat". I know, it's  pretty lame but I'm sure you understand what I am trying to say. Leave all of that negativity at the door and keep planning, praying, and going the extra mile because whatever it is you can't do, God can and give him the charge over your circumstance. Always meet him half way, do your part and watch God take care of the rest. In these days, I know it is better said, than done but we got to keep on moving. Please laugh, enjoy each day and even try to play a board game, it helps. Watch Kevin Hart stand up comedy specials, I bet you would laugh your butt off!!!!! On a serious note, I encourage everyone to "Hope for the best and prepare for the worst". I am here to uplift you, and in the midst of it, I am uplifted as I write this blog to you. I can't express how good it feels to be who I am. Why? you may ask. Well, because I have a family, friends and a great God who can do "anything". I am not trying to change your faith or beliefs,I just thought I'd share a little bit about me and hope you are inspired to get up and go try something new and change your attitude about living now because tomorrow is not guaranteed.I am all about change and creating a "new outlook on life". Despite the circumstances, I am blessed. I may not be the most wealthiest person, but I am blessed and you can't put a price on that. On that note, have a blessed weekend and stay enouraged. Try not to worry and look for ways to keep you happy. ^-^**

                                                                                                        Yours truly Ms. Inspirational woman

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Love is; "Sacrifice"

On September 17, 2008, I gave birth to my son Elias Isaiah Howard. It was the day I became a "mother". I had fears, doubt in myself, and I was "scared".I had no idea what I was about to face, but I knew with the Lord on my side, I would be okay. I truly believe that there is no love like the love you have for your child. The bond between mother and child is "inseparable". I thought about all the things that could go wrong, and how hard it would be before Elias was born. I decided that I would have my son, no matter what , despite my circumstances. I knew that being a parent would not be easy and there is no manual on how to raise a child.I had no money, I was in North Carolina, 519 miles away from home, a senior in college, pregnant in my senior year, half way there to graduation and I left to go home to New York , to go back home to live in the projects with my mom.When she found out, she was "devastated".Imagine at the point, how I felt. I was so "embarrassed". I let myself and everyone else down in my family that had high expectations for me.As time went by and I got closer to my due date,I developed this "indescribable feeling", a love for this new life that was growing inside of me. At times, I still can't believe I am a parent, but I'm glad I was chosen to become one.I remember making this vow; "I will keep my child, no matter how hard it gets, no matter how hard I struggle, he will be taken care of. I will take the road less traveled, not the easy way out and have faith that God will help me through this journey as a parent and a young woman".God has made a way for my son ever since the day he was born and he has provided food, shelter, clothing and family who love him to death. In my mind, I think Elias is more than a gift, but a treasure to God. Many may say, "I am crazy" when I say, "my child has brought me closer to God", and I say this because I learned what "sacrifice" is and what it means. According to the dictionary, "sacrifice", is defined as; "the surrender or destruction of something valued for the sake of something having a higher or more pressing claim".When I was carrying Elias in my womb, I was attending college. I gave up school and my life to take care of my child. When you love someone beyond measure, beyond what words can express or explain , you -"sacrifice". I am sure, to all of you who may read this blog has experienced a point in your life where you had to sacrifice something for someone else that you loved, because your love was that strong and genuine to make the other person happy. I think that JESUS sacrifice was the meaning of "true love". He gave up his life , to die on the cross for all of our sins!  Isn't it great to know that we have been saved from the wrath of sin because he shed his blood for us? God loved us so much, that he gave his only begotten son! Imagine how you would feel , if for example, your Mother or Father told you: "I love you but you are born for a will to be fulfilled, that is to die for all of humanity's wrath of "Sin".If this was said to you, you would probably feel outraged, angry , and above all else ask, Why? Why me? Well, that is how Jesus felt, but he loved his heavenly father and did it, despite what he had to face, which was; giving up his life for- "EVERYONE". He made the biggest sacrifice of all- "his life" and died for us.I am not here to preach to you, but I just wanted to share my testimony with you and share the "good news", of us having the chance to receive"salvation through Jesus Christ". It is never too late to accept Jesus as your personal saviour.I hope you enjoyed reading it, as much as I enjoyed writing it for you. I hope you were inspired and continue to stay encouraged, God has not forgotten about you. God bless you, and God loves you.*

                                                                                                                             Sincerely yours truly,
                                                                                                                             Inspirational Woman

Monday, September 27, 2010

"True Talent; Cut from a different cloth"

Do you remember the Good ol' days of "real" and "genuine" hip hop music?  I  recall a time like artists/Emcee's such as; Eric b and Rakim, Krs-one, Public Enemy, Doug E.Fresh, Salt n Pepa as well as Slick Rick that had- "something to talk about". When the line dropped; "My mic sounds nice/check one/ my mic sounds nice/ check two/ my mic sounds nice/ check 3 / Are/ U/Ready?!/. I believe that's when Hip Hop was at it's "best" and it was "authentic". When I fell in love with Hip Hop was when I heard Doug E. fresh and Slick Rick's record, "The show". My mom told me when I was at the age of 4 , I jumped out of my sleep and made a pose- then, I started "dancing". I really "miss those days".Growing up in the 80's was cool, and it was about "enjoying life", having a "good time" and "staying out of trouble". Alot of Emcee's back then covered everything, and did not just talk about "sex" and how much "money they had". It wasn't about "killing each other", over money, and "personal beef", either. Now at days, you would never hear an emcee talk about ,"do the right thing", or "stay in school" in their raps. It' s about the "mighty dollar". Well, I have got to tell you about a "new" and "upcoming artist". He is definetely "cut from a different cloth". This artist goes by the name of ,"E-double A.P.M.C."(All purpose Emcee). I have not heard anyone who sounds like him. "His lyrics make you think", as a "concious rapper". He covers "all aspects", of the challenges as a young black man in "society" and the things that matter to him and how he "envisions the world", in his mind.He is not only an artist, but he is "growing" to make the transition to be"great as a father" and an "Emcee". It is," not an easy job", on both sides of the spectrum.  When he is"not in school" or "working at one of two jobs",he "devotes his time in the studio",as well as making time for his son as well. He is a "true artist", in the making. He has "not" let any obstacle stop him. He is 25yrs old, ready to graduate college and ready to accomplish his goals "by any means", as he quotes , "Malcolm X". He was raised in the section of Clinton hills-Washington ave area of brooklyn. His mother Vanessa Howard was not only a poet, but a mother who has raised two boys and made it through college. He knows that being a parent isn't easy and makes time to see his son and takes care of all his needs "financially", "mentally" and "emotionally". He is nowhere near close to "fabrication" or "diluting", when it comes to the essence of real "Hip Hop".  He defines the term- "Original". As a "supporter" and the "mother of his son", I guarantee you that this young artist/Emcee is about making "postive progression" and "bringing back that good 'ol feeling", we felt back then of real hip hop be brought "back to life", with a twist of his own style he will bring to the "Hip Hop game". He has lyrics filled with an extensive and creative plethora of  vocabulary, with catchy choruses and metaphors that will, "capture your attention". I assure you that he is, "worth your time" if you are "willing to listen", to the message he wants to deliver. Feel free to check him out on; Myspace, twitter, facebook and BBM. His name is All Purpose M.C. on blogspot.com.  To all of my readers, thank you for taking time out of your day to read my blog and Godbless you all, I hope you were "inspired". 

                                                                                                                    Written by:
                                                                                                                     Tania Tavarez   

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

" Growing up in the projects"

As a young woman, I have learned alot, seen alot and experienced alot growing up in the projects. I can honestly say , I would not change a thing about it. Why?  because I have learned what it means to be alert, how to protect myself and survive amongst the trouble around me. It took me a little while, to realize that just because I grew up in the project development does not make me less than any oyther person. I will not become the product of my envireonment. What I will do is become a "great product" out of my envireonment. I have seen fist fights, experienced being a part of a shootout and even been in a fight. However, I have continued to excel, despite the minor bumps I have come across. It's true, you do have to be strong in the mind, and be a leader, and it is hard. Whoever may not have experienced this , wont understand the feeling of "entrapment" or be able to relate to it, but from my heart to yours, I say that it is no easy road, but I will paint my vision through the words on this paper, and I hope it will- "inspire you". Most people call it the "hard knock life", but you know what I call it a "gift" and a "curse". The reason why I refer to it as a "gift " is because of the great people from all walks of life that live around each other and we all share that struggle. The "curse" is, trying to understand how can people from other countries understand us? We all encounter physical and mental pain in our lives, but how can we come together? We are all different in our own way, no matter what color or race you may be, we all strive to "make it" and be "successful". I look at it this way; We all experience grief at some point in our lives.There is a time when we all cry, laugh and even bleed in our lives. The main point I want to get across to you, is that no matter where you came from, it does not- "define who you are or your destiny". What I posses is a "backbone" and "common sense" as a result of growing up in the projects. I did not have everything, but I was given exactly what I needed, by being blessed with two great parents that did not get "high" or "drink", and chose to be hardworking parents to provide for me.I thank God for allowing me to be given two parents that always did their best to "provide" for me and raise me with "morals' and to have "respect" for my elders. I know some of the smartest and most talented people who come from the projects, and I am one example of that. I hope anyone who reads this, understand that poverty does not mean less, but brings you to a level of humbleness, greatfulness and an undeniable desire to-"achieve the impossible". When you face poverty, you appreciate the small things in life and no matter what happens,you know that with determination, even from the projects you can be an "inspiration" to anyone in the world. All it takes , is just a little bit of "faith".