Saturday, May 21, 2011

"Love": between a man and a woman; my thoughts..

I have heard it all from;she uses me for my money to he just wants to be with me for sex. What happened to "love"? Have we lost sight of what "love" is? I do believe that, in this day and age, it does take more than love in a relationship. However, what happens when times get rough? What happen to helping out eachother, instead of using one another. To me, its' like buying people out of the store. It's crazy, lol. The whole point of the matter is how can we get back to "loving eachother" and taking our problems to "God". I'll take it back as far as our childhood days and the structure of the household.Which we do not have today. I think that society has placed a tremendous,huge, pressure on "growing up too fast". It all starts with the upbringing at home. Many young adults, and even teens have defined the relationship by "money" and "sex". I am not sayingthat they are not important, but what about morals, self worth, and marriage? I am not talking about that overnite get hitched type of  celebrity wedding, lol. I'm talking about that wedding taking place as a result of up's and down's, real love, stay by your side when your sick on your bed side, "type of love". It's all about communication , number one. Number two, the trust has to be there. And last but not least, the love for one another. It takes two, on many levels in a relationship. When you uplift one another, and split up the bills and do it together, it's alot easier. Anything is possible,once you keep the Lord first. I do believe that it should be a 50/50 thing. There should be enough to share and always plenty to give to eachother. Whether it's emotionally, spiritually, mentally , or even physically. It may sound clich'e,but a "family that prays together, stays together". When you give God control of what is beyond your control, he makes it all work out for the good and according to his will. God has to be "in the mix", of it all. We need to get back to "loving eachother", holding one another, doing the two step, no grinding, but something "sweet and sincere", "genuine and true". I know we have aour issues, but it's all about compromise, take the good with the bad. For all of the rest of the problems in the family, take it with a grain of salt. let "God" be your marrige counselor. Nothing worth having, takes place over night. It takes time,patience, and yes, patience is a virtue. When you want something with quality, and worth tremendous value, it takes work. It just doesn't come to you.Think about it. What ever you want from your partner, should be of equal value. You both need to be on the same page,so there is no confusion.Every trial and tribulation is a test, to see what you can stand as "one" together. Some can handle the hardships, and some couples can't. It is also good to know eachother before taking that big step. Marriage isn't for everyone. This is just my thoughts, I am not a counselor or expert on couple situation issues, just wanted to say that before I said anything else.  How about this, what happened to holding hands instead of making out in the elevator or in the park,lol. Unless you want to keep it spicy, ok, I don't judge. I have done that before,lol, it's nothing wrong with both, I won't lie, I tell you the truth. If you think I'm absurd, I understand, or maybe even disgusting, hey, that's ok. I just want to keep it real with you. "I have come along way from where I used to be". I'm ready to have "one partner". I'm done with the promiscuity in my life. It's "old" to me. I am, "ready to be loved", and share my love and everything I have to offer with that next partner, if "God" wants that for me. If not, "it's good to be single". It just means that I have more time to spend with the Lord, and devote my time to serving him, and that's fine too. To make a long story short, all I want to stress is, get to know the Lord for yourself, and watch how; "everything falls into play". The road won't be easy, but he "wouldn't bring you this far to leave you".On that note, I hope you all are inspired by this blog and remember, God is not done with you yet, keep on moving and just keep living. Godbless you all. One love. One body. One Accord. In the matchless name of Jesus, AMEN.

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