Saturday, May 21, 2011

"The Rubies of our Earth"

Good day to you, my fellow blogger's and blogette's. Today, I have truly acknowledged what it means to many of our families to have a "grandmother". I really enjoyed attending and I am thankful that I was also able to witness it , because I was invited by my close friend Imani.Over the years, and throughout my life I always have had the chance to have many figures that taught me alot.They were not always family, but other grandmothers and mothers of my friends families and people I would meet on an ordinary day!I am truly blessed, beyond words, because not only do I have a grandmother, I had two grandmothers. Unfortunately, one passed away. Her name is Sonia Tavarez. She was a strong woman, from the Domonican Repbublic. I have always admired her and loved her cooking.She taught me how to be independent, how to speak a few phrases and words in spanish,and in the mist of all that- she "loved me to death", and always protected me. At times, I wonder if she is proud of me. I never got to say goodbye.I think that the hardest part for me, was knowing she wasn't coming back, is not being able to say "I love you", one last time. I wonder if she knows how much I "miss her" and how she is missed by family and friends.Some of us are not fortunate to see our grandparents, but I discovered that no matter where you are or who you are or where you come from-blood is not the only way we are connected to people. We are loved and taken in to be loved by people who are not realted to us, but love us because we share a bond that goes beyond blood, but it's a thing called "unconditional love". I think that once you have a person who loves you, even if they are not your grandparents, but can be your grandparents, treasure them .I say this because, you neve know when the day or the hour they will be gone. When your grandmother of grandfather or caregiver dies, they can't smell the flowers you buy for them when they pass away. So, treasure them, talk to them and always remind them that they are needed and that you love them. The grandmothers are "rubies" in every family. Why? It is because they withhold the "wisdom" and keep the family together like "glue". I have heard, from that evening ceremony by the speaker that Grandmother's were the back up plan, and God knew what he was doing , he made no mistakes.They have all the great stories to tell and make the best food in the world. They always love you and have the answers to the questions you just dont feel comfortable asking any one else. I believe that is the "truth" and I hope you are all able to treasure your grandmothers, before it's to late. Godbless you all, and continue to love, because love conquers all.*:)

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